Mission Statement
Points of View seeks to maintain the momentum of enlightened expression with the following set of core values:
- Discern the social climate and become sensitive to the indispensible attributes of self-reliance and the resilience of the human spirit;
- Address the symptoms of educational stagnation and hear the stories told about the frustration of limitation and offer viable outlets of expression through innovative and practical uses of technology;
- Empower students to discover their voice that can be expressed in written language and captured with visual images, spoken word, ephemeral/naturalistic art, fine/performing art, pantomime, or digital story telling as a form of self-rehabilitation and affirmation;
- Develop “self-determination perspective” in students to overcome situations
that blight the potential of a productive future;
- Inspire students to speak with “unboxed voices” to become positive sources of influence and agents of change through social action.
Students involved in a local Adopt-a-Park project talk
about the message they are sending: "Stop the Drugs!".